Ansible - Looping blocks

I needed to do a loop inside a full block in Ansible, and I discovered that it was not possible to do something like this:

- name: this is a block
    - name: task one from the block, loop {item}
         msg: "This is a block, indeed. Block: {item}."

    - name: task two from the block, loop {item}
         msg: "This is a block, indeed. Block: {item}."
    - "one"
    - "two"

Yep, this won’t work and will give me an error because the loop clause can’t be used inside a block. What I should do?

The solution that I found was to create a separate tasks file, and use a loop with ansible.builtin.include_tasks. This tasks file would be equivalent to a block, but inside it we’ll have just a set of tasks instead of a block.

An example which works:

- name: setup VMs
    file: setup_vms.yml
    - "webserver"
    - "database"
    - "appserver"
    loop_var: vm
- name: VM {{ vm }} - create
    cmd: vm create {{ vm }}

- name: VM {{ vm }} - configure
    cmd: vm config {{ vm }} set {{ idx }} {{ item }}
    - "disk"
    - "memory"
    - "network"
    index_var: idx

Now this loop will “run” three times, doing the two tasks inside setup_vms.yml, with the values from the loop. Also, notice that:

As a result, 12 tasks were executed:

VM webserver - create
- vm create webserver

VM webserver - configure
- vm config webserver set 0 disk

VM webserver - configure
- vm config webserver set 1 memory

VM webserver - configure
- vm config webserver set 2 network

VM database - create
- vm create database

VM database - configure
- vm config database set 0 disk

VM database - configure
- vm config database set 1 memory

VM database - configure
- vm config database set 2 network

VM appserver - create
- vm create appserver

VM appserver - configure
- vm config appserver set 0 disk

VM appserver - configure
- vm config appserver set 1 memory

VM appserver - configure
- vm config appserver set 2 network
